

Poverty With Style is all about how you can live well on a lower income. The site intends to offer its readers as many tips and suggestions as possible about saving money and living for less and with less.

If you find yourself constantly with not enough money to pay your bills and live your life to its fullest then you need some Poverty with Style to help you out along the way. Whether you want to learn how to save money on food, clothing, travel or your utility bills you will find it here. You will also find out how to save money. Yes you can do it on a lower income! All it takes is dedication, a plan and lots of effort and patience.

I hope you will find some help for your financial woes here and you will also find some hope and inspiration to lighten your load and allow you to breathe easier. Getting by with less money does not mean that you have to deprive yourself of all of the comforts of life. You can still live, just with less.

Image: Ambro /