
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Six Tips for Shopping Safely and Smartly Online

If you are going to shop online (who doesn’t these days?) then you want to do so in a safe and smart manner. Online shopping can be a wonderful experience for anyone as long as it is done in a responsible manner.

Shopping online is convenient and there is no driving back and forth to the shopping mall; no worries about finding a good parking spot or having to deal with long line-ups or difficult store clerks. Another big advantage is that the Internet never closes, unlike the malls; therefore you can shop any time of the day or night. For people who have unusual work schedules and those who work backshift, this can be a huge incentive to shopping online.

It is important however to always be safe when going about your online shopping experience. Let’s take a look at six top safety measures for making sure you do not run into any serious problems when it comes to shopping by way of the Internet.

One: Safe online shopping means ensuring that you are making use of a secure browser from which to view the websites that you wish to purchases items from. The majority of computer systems do include a secure browser but if yours doesn’t, there are places on the Internet where you can download a secure browser and it won’t cost you a cent.

Two: It is always good practice to only shop online with merchants and companies that you are familiar with and ones you can guarantee are legitimate. For example, if an established company has a successful business offline and you are familiar with their products and have shopped there before then you are pretty much guaranteed that it is a secure and safe company to deal with through the Internet. If you do come across a company that you have never heard of before but it looks legitimate, before you plunge in request to be sent a brochure or a print catalogue to help ascertain if this is a company you wish to purchase from.

Three: Always keep your account passwords protected and private. Do not allow anyone else access to your passwords or you could be in for trouble. When creating a password be as strange or as creative as possible. Do not use things such as last names, family members’ names, birthdates, addresses or pets’ names that other people might be able to figure out. Also for an extra precautionary measure, combine letters, numbers and symbols together when creating passwords.

Four: When shopping online it is always best to pay for your purchases by way of a credit card, as opposed to PayPal, a debit card, a check or money order or some other form of payment. Online shopping purchases with a credit card are protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act. This act allows an individual to question any charges on the credit card as well as to temporarily refuse to pay a disputed charge until an investigation into it can be conducted. There are some credit card companies that will go so far as to offer their customers an online computer shopping guarantee. This guarantee means that the person will not be held liable for any unauthorized charges that are made on their credit card.

Five: Keep accurate and up-to-date records of every online purchase you make. Be diligent in printing out copies of all transactions and orders as well as confirmation numbers. As well remember to print out all credit card receipts. Always keep your records in a safe, secure place, away from the prying eyes of others. In the event that a problem arises, or if you need to return or exchange an item you will be able to do so much easier if you have printed copies of everything on hand.

Six: Only shop with companies that provide ample contact information at their website. Nothing is more suspicious than an online company that gives no indication of its street or mailing address in the offline world or a company that does not provide a toll-free or local telephone number for customer inquiries or even an e-mail address. Steer clear of companies that provide less information as opposed to more. Refer back to the second safety measure above which cautions you as an online consumer to only shop with well-known companies who can prove their legitimacy.  


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Successful Budgeting- Keeping Extra Cash in Your Pocket

You probably have no problem knowing what you would do with a little more cash in your pocket. For many it would be a dream come true! However it seems that everything is getting more expensive all the time (think food, utilities, gasoline, mortgages, insurance and the list goes on) and that means finding that extra little bit of cash is becoming more and more challenging. 

In order to maximize your savings and find that extra little bit of money here are some things you can do to help yourself: 

Map Out Your Money:  If you really have no idea where your money goes after you earn it then it is time to turn things around. You need to start mapping your money forthwith! No, it is not particularly pleasurable to do this but it is a requirement of successful budgeting. Make it a habit to review your daily, weekly and monthly spending to figure out where your money disappears to. You may be surprised to discover what your latte habit is actually costing you!

Opt for Cheaper Alternatives: You may not realize it but there are cheaper alternatives available for many of the activities, products and services that you use and enjoy on a regular basis. Try substituting some generic grocery products for the brand name products you buy such as canned items, aspirin, cereal and crackers. Other options are to substitute meals at restaurants for making home cooked meals and swap nights out at the movies for nights in with DVD rentals (or DVDs rented from the local library). 

Look for Leaks in Your Spending: Small indulgences can add up to a great deal of money spent that might serve your purposes better if it had gone into savings. Do you realize that purchasing a coffee or tea for $1.50 daily can cost you almost $550 on an annual basis? That is a huge chunk of change! 

You don’t need to give up all of the small indulgences and pleasures that you have come to enjoy but what you can do is cut back on them a bit. If you start making coffee or tea at work or bring it from home and then only purchase it a couple times a week then this will put more money back into your pocketbook- and give you more financial peace of mind.  

Go Green to Save Your Green: To save as much money as possible look for ways to go green. Putting gas into your motor vehicle and all car related costs is expensive so instead carpool, take the bus, the subway or walk. You might even decide to ride a bicycle to work on the days that the weather permits doing this!

Replace appliances in your home that are old or are not up to modern standards because they can increase your utility bills tremendously. Recycle and reuse more. Start a vegetable garden in your backyard if you own your own home and compost if you can. Look for as many ways as possible to conserve resources and to be greener. Not only will this make you more environmentally conscious but it will also save you some hard earned dollars!    


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Money Tips to Help Guide You

If you understand every facet of money then you are better able to put making money tips to work. Read on for some money tips that can help you and guide you in making proper decisions about money. 
-Money is a tool. Do not plan your life around the money you earn but rather use the money you make to enjoy what you want in your life. Buy the goods and services that bring you enjoyment and satisfaction.

-Money making tips and spending are key elements to money management. Exercise smart spending. Investing is not the key to excellent money management. What is the most important is not spending more than you earn. Try to live slightly below your means and this will allow you to save money. In other words, live on less money than you bring in.

-When considering making a purchase, especially a large one, consider the in-costs involved and not simply the end price of the transaction.

-Setting goals are important money making tips. How can you earn money if you don’t make a plan? Amassing a lot of money can be likened to a marathon as opposed to a sprint. One of the greatest challenges is finding ways to remain motivated when the chips are down. To do this you need to chart your progress and set mileposts for yourself. In other words, in six months I want to be doing this, and so on.
-Don’t regard your budget as a type of money jail. Be realistic about your budget. A good budget is not one that highlights deprivation but rather is a formula for pre-spending and should focus on what you need and want to buy.

-Be smart when it comes to credit and debt. Use your credit cards responsibly. Only charge an amount that you know you can pay off before interest charges are added on.

-Consider your attitude about borrowing. Many people borrow at very expensive, on-deductible interest rates in order to take trips, purchase houses, cars, major appliances etc. On the other hand, they use cash when they invest. The experts say that you are better to do the opposite. If you borrow to invest then the interest will likely be tax deductible. This will also prevent you from falling into the high interest credit card trap.

-When you invest always diversify. You run a higher risk of loss if you choose to invest in only one product. Spread your money around a bit. Diversify as much as possible. If you know very little about investing then enlist the help of a qualified professional. Investing tips are important making money tips.

-When it comes to your portfolio, develop a plan for what you want to do with your money and then see it through. Allocate funds towards different assets to keep your risk as low as possible. A common combination for many investors is this- 10% cash, 40 % stocks and 50% fixed-income investments (an example of this is bonds). Move your money around throughout the calendar year as you see fit. 


Decorate Your Apartment Frugally and Have Fun Doing It!

Just because you are living on a shoestring budget does not mean that your apartment cannot look fabulous. You can decorate frugally but still find plenty of enjoyment in it. Read on for some suggestions as to how you can be a frugal and fun do-it-yourself decorator! 

To start, make sure your home is neat, tidy, clean and as organized as possible. Get rid of the clutter and throw out, recycle or donate anything you no longer need. Organization can go a long way in making an apartment look great, especially if it is small.

Magazines are a great source of inspiration as are decorating shows on television. You can always take high-end decorating ideas and modify them for your purposes. Resolve right now to think outside the box! 

One of the thriftiest ways to liven up a room is to paint it. A coat of paint (or two) works wonders. Make sure though that before you don painting clothes and get out your painting brush that you find out if you are allowed to paint your apartment. In some buildings this is a no-no because you are renting and do not own the apartment.

Change your focus. Do not always assume that decorating has to be about purchasing something new. To give the rooms in your apartment a new and inviting look, rearrange your furniture from time to time. Try experimenting with a new look and you might be surprised at what you discover!

Learn to shop smart by browsing your local second hand shops as well as garage sales and flea markets. Not only will you find bargains at these places but you will likely find household decorating items that are a little out of the ordinary! The earlier in the day you arrive at these places the better because you do not want to lose out to other shrewd shoppers!  


Monday, May 21, 2012

So Hard to Get Out of Debt…

Getting out of debt is so much more difficult than getting into debt because it requires time, effort and a great deal of self-discipline. It is not fun either. In fact it is excruciating at the best of time and it is unbearable at the worst of times. 

Getting out of debt also means that you will have to forego certain things and will have to tighten the financial belt. If you are used to living a lavish lifestyle and are used to shopping sprees and regular additions to your wardrobe as well as weekend getaways and nights on the town then you may find that you feel discouraged that you must modify your way of life in order to get yourself out of debt. Some people may fear that their family members or friends might treat them differently and find them boring if they suddenly are not able to do the things they used to do. 

Paying Back with Interest

Another reason that getting out of debt is so difficult is that you do not just pay back to your creditors the money you borrowed but you pay it back with interest. Every month interest is added and if you cannot keep up this can cause your bills to become larger and larger until you reach a point that they are out of control. 

Interest is basically a fee that is attached to any type of money that is borrowed whether it is a credit card, a mortgage, a loan, a medical or dental bill, etc. Interest rates are the percentage of a debt that gets charged to it and this varies depending on what type of debt it is. Interest rates, especially when it comes to such things as mortgages are often based on the credit history of the person in question.   

Interest Rates- Secret Killers

Debt is difficult to get out of because it often sneaks up on you when you are not looking. Interest rates can seem to be secret killers because making a minimum payment on a credit card may help maintain a good credit rating but it will not help you pay it off in a timely fashion. 

If you have overcharged your credit cards to a point where you have gotten yourself into debt then curb your spending immediately and do not create any new debts. Then you need to look for help in getting yourself out of debt. Sometimes compromises or all out sacrifices will need to be made such as moving to a cheaper and more modest apartment. Be aware that while services such as cable television and Internet service may be enjoyable to have you may need to get rid of them for the time being until you are able to eliminate the debt you are in. 
