
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Money Tips to Help Guide You

If you understand every facet of money then you are better able to put making money tips to work. Read on for some money tips that can help you and guide you in making proper decisions about money. 
-Money is a tool. Do not plan your life around the money you earn but rather use the money you make to enjoy what you want in your life. Buy the goods and services that bring you enjoyment and satisfaction.

-Money making tips and spending are key elements to money management. Exercise smart spending. Investing is not the key to excellent money management. What is the most important is not spending more than you earn. Try to live slightly below your means and this will allow you to save money. In other words, live on less money than you bring in.

-When considering making a purchase, especially a large one, consider the in-costs involved and not simply the end price of the transaction.

-Setting goals are important money making tips. How can you earn money if you don’t make a plan? Amassing a lot of money can be likened to a marathon as opposed to a sprint. One of the greatest challenges is finding ways to remain motivated when the chips are down. To do this you need to chart your progress and set mileposts for yourself. In other words, in six months I want to be doing this, and so on.
-Don’t regard your budget as a type of money jail. Be realistic about your budget. A good budget is not one that highlights deprivation but rather is a formula for pre-spending and should focus on what you need and want to buy.

-Be smart when it comes to credit and debt. Use your credit cards responsibly. Only charge an amount that you know you can pay off before interest charges are added on.

-Consider your attitude about borrowing. Many people borrow at very expensive, on-deductible interest rates in order to take trips, purchase houses, cars, major appliances etc. On the other hand, they use cash when they invest. The experts say that you are better to do the opposite. If you borrow to invest then the interest will likely be tax deductible. This will also prevent you from falling into the high interest credit card trap.

-When you invest always diversify. You run a higher risk of loss if you choose to invest in only one product. Spread your money around a bit. Diversify as much as possible. If you know very little about investing then enlist the help of a qualified professional. Investing tips are important making money tips.

-When it comes to your portfolio, develop a plan for what you want to do with your money and then see it through. Allocate funds towards different assets to keep your risk as low as possible. A common combination for many investors is this- 10% cash, 40 % stocks and 50% fixed-income investments (an example of this is bonds). Move your money around throughout the calendar year as you see fit. 


1 comment:

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