
Monday, April 23, 2012

Coping with Your Debt Worries Before Debt Overtakes You

There you go again- worrying about your debts. This is getting out of control and your health is starting to pay the price due to sleepless nights spent tossing and turning and too much caffeine. You no longer feel well anymore. Are your worries about debt making you sick?  

The Heavy Toll Debt Takes 

Debt is a tremendous worry to a large percentage of people. Not only can debt ruin your life in the present and into the future but it also can exact a terrible price on your mental state. It can cause problems both at work and in your relationships with loved ones and friends. A study done by Ohio State University in 2002 showed that many individuals spend a great deal of time worrying about debt and credit card debt is the greatest source of this type of worry. Studies have also shown that people who worry about debt because they are in a great deal of debt tend to be less physically and mentally healthy than do individuals who have no money concerns. 

Debt Worries Equals Health Worries

Research studies give a clear indication of what worry over debts can do to an individual’s life. Besides anxiety, angry outbursts and lack of concentration and productivity at work, worry over debts can lead to weight gain, insomnia, heart attacks and the destruction of relationships. The mental anguish of debt can manifest itself in physical problems in that simple everyday tasks such as walking up stairs, cleaning the house or carrying groceries can become tedious. Studies have shown that the debt-to-income ratio is significantly connected with impairment levels that are higher than average.

The Shadow of Debt

Worrying over debts can take over a person’s world and can color their views on everything. It can cast shadows over all that is good in a person’s life. Suddenly the future can look very bleak and it can exact a terrible cost on the individual’s life. Worrying over debt can bring up feelings of tremendous frustration and anger in many situations and it can cause depression to set in. Depression can also be accompanied by feelings of guilt and shame, which can eat away at a person’s level of self-esteem. The person who has gotten into debt can feel miserable and worthless all of the time. Debt and the subsequent worry that ensues can damage a person’s life and can lead the person to become isolated from others because of the mistakes they have made.  

Get Help!

If worry over debts is destroying your life then refuse to let it control your life any longer by seeking help. Gain some referrals from people you trust and then sit down with a professional credit counsellor and explain your financial situation and see if a reasonable plan for the repayment of your debts can be worked out. Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do when it comes to your debts. 

Image: imagerymajestic /

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