
Monday, April 30, 2012

Money Saving Ideas for Around the House

There are lots of things you can do around your home to save a few dollars. Easy budget ideas can help you to spend less on many different items that are necessities in your home. 


Don’t get carried away in your bathroom with buying pricey items. Spend more money on the items that have the greatest impact and less on smaller and less obvious things. A quick, easy and affordable way to perk up your bathroom is to invest in some new plush towels (all one color or different colors- your choice). You may also wish to purchase a new floor mat, toilet seat cover, bath mat or shower curtain. A brand new look will be yours once you make these changes!  


If you want to change the look of your bedroom and purchasing new furniture is out of the question then make some positive alterations to the focal point of your bedroom, which is of course your bed. Buy a new comforter (preferably one that is on sale) and some new sheets. Buy whatever you can afford to spruce the room up!


To save money and help out the environment stop purchasing paper towels for clean ups, spills and general cleaning in the kitchen, bathroom and elsewhere in your home. Instead use old towels, facecloths and old tee shirts to reduce waste and to prevent the need to include paper towel on your grocery list.

Kill germs on your dishcloths by tossing them into the microwave for a few seconds. Just make sure it is only a few seconds though! The sponges you use regularly in your kitchen will sanitize nicely if you place them into the dishwasher with a load of dishes every few days. This will give you a few extra weeks’ worth of use before you have to start using some new ones.

Once the dishwasher has done its final rinse open the door up and pull out the racks of the appliance. This will allow the dishes the opportunity to air dry and will save you money on your electricity bill.

Extend the shelf life of as many foods as you can by storing them in the freezer. You may be used to storing loaves of bread, bagels and muffins in the freezer but did you know that placing your herbs and spices in the freezer will make them last longer and help them retain their freshness? It will. Try it and see! 

Living Room

If you want to update your living room but the money you have to spend is slim then some new pillows can add more color to a room that has gotten to be a bit on the drab side. Inexpensive pillows with some new colors and designs can breathe new life into your living area and can also be strategically placed to hide stains, and marks that show wear and tear on your furniture. If you do not want purchase new cushions then buy some inexpensive pillow covers.

Perk Up Any Room

Nothing perks up a room more than a coat or two of paint. Try a new color you have never tried before. You might even want to experiment with something a little bit bolder than you usually go with. Or if you are not in an experimental mood then stick with a basic color that goes with everything, such as eggshell or cream.

Once you have your walls painted a new shade and looking clean and fresh then you may wish to find a way to decorate them for as little money as possible. Instead of spending money that you do not have on pricey art buy some inexpensive frames that are the same color but different sizes and then frame your favorite pics and place them in an attractive arrangement on the wall(s). 

Image: ponsulak /

Sunday, April 29, 2012

How Other People Get You to Spend Your Money

Do you spend your own money because you choose to or do others play a role in how, when and where you spend? You might be surprised that you money is not always about you …

Money is more than just what we use to buy products and services, and finance our life. When you think about it money has a language all its own. Money is wrapped up in what we can afford to do or not do and money is a symbol of how well a person is doing on a socio-economic level. In trying to keep up with the Joneses’ (or so the saying goes) many people end up in debt.

A Powerful Tool in Our Hands

Money is a form of currency that is a very powerful tool as it sends a message to other people. For those who have plenty of cash and can afford to spend without going into debt they can impress others with ease while for plenty of other people who fall into the “have not” group they rely on such things as loans, payday loans and their credit cards to get them the funds to buy what they feel they need to send the right societal message to others. Of course that message is that they have arrived so to speak and can afford the finer things in life- even if in reality they cannot.

Invisible Peer Pressure

There are other instances where other people influence people in the direction of spending their money. Sometimes in the work place an event is going on and a person does not want to appear as if they cannot afford to attend so inadvertently they feel an invisible kind of peer pressure that causes them to spend money on dinner theater tickets or an expensive meal at a restaurant because they do not want to feel left out of the group or out of the loop. Nobody enjoys this feeling, especially when they arrive at work on Monday morning and the office is abuzz with the social event of the year that took place on Saturday night and they were the only one who did not attend because they had no money to do so.

Chastised for Buying Cheap

Others sometimes inadvertently get people to spend their money when they chastise them for buying cheaper or more generic brands of products instead of automatically purchasing the very best. This can be the case when it comes to almost everything, be it tires, household supplies, wine, clothing, shoes, groceries and so on. We all want what is best for other people but sometimes a person with the financial means to buy something will not realize that their friend or loved one has less means to do so. No one enjoys saying to another person, “I can’t afford that” and if it is spoken it is always done so in a hushed or whispered tone. Trying to keep up to others standards is a common way that people spend money they do not really have.  

Use your own mind and be your own guide when it comes to your money. Don’t part with it unless you really want to.  

Image: phanlop88 /

Cashing in on Fabulous Finds at the Flea Market

If you are looking for something a little different for your home or for yourself then flea markets provide an alternative to shopping at retail stores. Flea markets have a little something for everyone and the fun part is that you never know what you are going to find!

When you decide to stroll through a flea market you need to have a sharp eye that will be able to spot the deals and the not-so-great deals right away. It also helps to know how to bargain because unlike retail stores those who sell at flea markets are open to negotiating prices and some even welcome it from there customers!

Here are some other important things to consider as you prepare for a morning, afternoon or full day at the local flea market:

Inspect Everything Before Purchase

You shouldn’t have to worry about bringing any fleas home if you have a discerning way about you! Inspect every item that interests you carefully- very carefully. Everything you purchase from a flea market is an as-is purchase. Check to see if any clothing shows the signs of age, plug in all electrical items to make sure they work, check to see if all glass items are free or cracks and scratches and so on. You cannot take an item back once you have purchased it so make sure it is in good shape before you leave with it.  

Dress Comfortably

Wear comfortable clothing and a comfortable pair of walking shoes when you go to a flea market because you will be doing a fair amount of walking. Whether the flea market is inside or outside or both there will be lots to see and lots of ground to cover. You may find yourself bending down to sort through boxes so you don’t want to wear anything that you are afraid to get dirty. Make sure you bring your sunglasses as well as a hat. Too much sun can zap your energy and it can cause lead to sunburned skin. Ouch!   

Arrive Early

If you are not an early riser on weekends then you may wish to make an exception on the days when you want to stroll around the local flea market. The good stuff goes fast and first so be one of the savviest flea market shoppers by arriving early! If you arrive too late then the selection will be less and everything will be picked over.

Make a List

Before you head out to look for bargains and treasures make a list of what treasures you are looking for. You do this when you shop retail and when you shop online so why not do the same when you shop at the flea market? When you do this then it prevents you from overspending because impulse buying does not take place. Just make sure that you don’t leave the list at home.

Bring Cash in Small Bills

You will be paying in cash at the flea market and small bills are the absolute best for this type of shopping venture. Having $20 bills on you is good while $10 bills are even better and $5 bills are even better. Your bargaining power is much greater if you have smaller bills on you. As well it is easier for sellers to make change the smaller the bills are that you hand them.

Bring Your Own Bags

The flea market experience can be very rewarding but the more prepared you are the better. It would be very helpful if you brought your own bags with you. Vendors should be prepared as well with their own bags but if they run out then you can step in with your own. Bring a few plastic grocery bags with you or bring a reusable bag or two for your wares.

Have some fun!  

Image: winnond /

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eating Healthy on a Budget- Make it Happen!

Healthy eating often seems out of reach for the person who is watching their nickels and dimes. It does not have to be an impossible feat if you take the time to do some planning and if you know where to shop and are willing to put in the prep time in your kitchen. 

Here are some ways that you can eat healthy on a budget and maybe even have fun doing it! 

Shop at Farmers’ Markets

If you are used to shopping at the grocery store for your food and nowhere else then start scouting out the farmers’ markets in your area. If it is healthy food that you want then the local farmers’ market comes out miles ahead as one of the best places to do your shopping. Compare prices at the market with the prices at the local supermarket. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Depending on what you buy and how much you buy you could save yourself more than a few dollars as compared to visiting the grocery store. Freeze what you do not plan to eat right away. 

Shop Seasonal 

The cheapest fruits and vegetables at the local market in your city or town are those that are in season. Know what is in season and plan your meals around those selections. Make sure that you sort through the produce to find the best of the bunch. This is true regardless of whether you are talking about apples, avocados, tomatoes or zucchini. Stock up based on the most cost savvy deals for the week. This will ensure that less money leaves your wallet during your shopping trip!  

Stick with Basics

Don’t be seduced by all of the items that you have never tried before and would like to try. Maybe you have never sampled eggplant or dragon fruit but if you are watching your money then sticking with the basics is always best. Make sure when it comes to produce that you have enough to put together a nutritious meal. Examples of foods that you may wish to pick up ahead of others include onions, potatoes, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, some greens and one or two fruit varieties that are currently in season. Limit your choice of “new” items if they do not fit easily into your prearranged meal options.   
Shop Bargains and Sales

Meat and fish are often the most expensive items on a grocery list. Regardless of where you purchase these food items from search out the bargains. Only buy certain types of meat or seafood when there is a sale going on. Come up with a plan of action for the meals to come in the days and weeks ahead and then purchase the sale items accordingly. Freeze the meat and seafood that is not to be eaten right away. 

Scope out the Deals for Staples- or Buy in Bulk

Some food items are staples and can be purchased at a variety of stores. These include dry goods such as cereal, butter, pasta, rice, etc. Find out at which store the best buys can be found. Look for bargains by way of weekly store flyers. If making it to the cheapest store is not an option for you because of distance or transportation issues then buy dry goods and other staples in bulk and buy as much as you can at once. This can turn out to be more economical for you in the long run and it also will cut down on your shopping time because you won’t have to go out as often to buy the things you need.  

Image: Piyachok Thawornmat /

Friday, April 27, 2012

Living From Paycheck to Paycheck? - Changing Your Reality

Living from paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings is a reality for many people. So is barely managing to make ends meet. Are you one of these people who live this reality?

These are the people that have little if any savings and are not financially prepared for an emergency or an unexpected family situation because they are too busy struggling to pay their bills from one paycheck to another. Often the money from one paycheck is not enough to tide them over until the next so that is when they use their credit card to pick up the slack such as in using it to purchases groceries, medication or other necessities of life.

Living from paycheck to paycheck is not an enviable way to live and no one willingly chooses to live this way. There are a variety of ways that a person can break this cycle so they are not simply surviving in their life and struggling to keep their head above water but are instead thriving.

Goodbye to Unnecessary Expenses

First of all figure out what you spend your money on and cut out unnecessary expenses. Never overspend and if you are just managing to get by do not go out and splurge on anything.

Supplement Your Income

If your full-time job is not making it possible for you to do anything more than live from one paycheck to another then consider looking for a better paying job or else look for a part-time job to supplement your income or other creative ways to bring in more income. For example, many people have an entrepreneurial side and get involved in small businesses, whether it be their own or someone else’s. Perhaps you can sell Avon in your community or maybe you can take your crafts to local craft shows and make some extra money on the weekends.

Be Creative- Think Outside the Box

Think outside the box and you will come up with creative ways of bringing in more cash to help you out. Many businesses are looking for extra help during the Christmas season so that might be something you might want to look at. If commuting costs are eating up a lot of your income you might want to look at carpooling or taking the bus as opposed to driving to work every day.   

Become Budget Savvy

Take the time to learn to budget properly and then make a commitment to stick to the budget. It is fine to allow for a certain level of flexibility but be strict with yourself as well. This can go a long way in ridding yourself of the paycheck-to-paycheck vicious circle. 

 Image: graur razvan ionut /